Happy Lunar New Year! – Here’s what Lunar Year mean.

lunar year

A lunar year is a period of time measured in lunations (synodic months) which is approximately equal to the time it takes the Moon to pass through all of its phases. The length of a lunar year is usually measured in days and can range from 354 days to 383 days. A lunar year is … Read more

Why Productivity a marathon and not a Sprint?

Productivity is a marathon

Productivity is like a marathon, not a sprint. You can’t just power through the day with sheer will and determination alone, eventually you’ll hit a wall. But there’s good news, by preserving your energy, you can increase your productivity and achieve more. “The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a … Read more

10 Mental Concepts To Make You Smarter

There are multiple ways to keep you focused and smart, but here are some of the tested 10 Mental Concepts To Make You Smarter. Recency Illusion The belief that things you have noticed only recently are in fact recent—or have only just come into existence “Whoa, that’s new to me. It must be new to … Read more

6 Ways to Detox your Mind

Mind is like a stream of water, it goes along wherever you set its path. It is important to Detox your mind at times when you need to change its flow. Here are 6 ways to Detox your mind. Read More Inspirational quotes here Watch more motivational quotes

The Person behind the Famous Logo – NIKE

Carolyn Davidson was a Portland State University graphics design student in 1969, who wanted to take on oil painting class. But couldn’t afford it. Here is the story of the Person behind the Famous Logo – NIKE Fortunately an assistant professor named Phil Knight heart that she wanted to make sone extra money – and … Read more

15 Powerful quotes from movies about psychology and Life.

We all have times in our lives that we need an inspirational quote to get us through. Whether it be when we’re feeling down, or when we’re just in a general funk, there’s just something about looking at powerful quotes from movies that puts things into perspective and gets us back on track. The following … Read more

Best Inspiring Johnny Depp Quotes

John Christopher Depp II is an American actor, producer, and musician. He is the recipient of multiple accolades, including a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award, in addition to nominations for three Academy Awards and two BAFTAs. Here are some inspiring Johnny Depp Quotes. Best Johnny Depp Quotes “We’re all damaged in … Read more

When Breath becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi: Short Summary

when breath becomes air summary

When Breath Becomes Air is a memoir by Paul Kalanithi. A neurosurgeon at Stanford University when he got the news that he was going to die of stage four Lung cancer in his mid-thirties, he wanted to make sure he left his piece of wisdom in writing. In this Book, Paul confronts the question of … Read more

28 Inspirational Harriet Beecher Stowe Quotes

Harriet Beecher Stowe Quotes

Harriet Beecher Stowe is an American author who wrote the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The novel was published in 1852 and became a bestseller, selling 10,000 copies a day. It is credited with helping fuel the abolitionist cause in the 1850s. Here are some Harriet Beecher Stowe Quotes. The book depicts slavery as an evil … Read more

39 Motivational Abraham Maslow Quotes

maslow quotes

Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who studied human behavior and motivation. He is best known for his theory of a hierarchy of needs. Here are some Abraham Maslow Quotes. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology that states that people are motivated by unsatisfied needs at lower levels to satisfy the needs … Read more

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